Titan damage calculation

Attack Power
Elemental Damage
Elemental Armor
Dealing Damage
Attack Power
Elemental Damage
Elemental Armor
Dealing Damage

Water, Fire, Earth battle rules

In Water vs Fire battles, Water is the stronger element, and Fire is the weaker element; in Fire vs Earth battles, Fire is stronger, and Earth is weaker; in Earth vs Water battles, Earth is stronger, and Water is weaker.

In Water vs Water, there is no concept of strength or weakness, similarly for Fire vs Fire and Earth vs Earth battles.

If the attacker is not the stronger element, elemental damage is ineffective. Elemental damage is only valid if the attacker is the stronger element.

If the attacker is not the stronger element, the attacker's elemental armor is ineffective. The elemental armor is only valid when the attacker is the stronger element.

Level differences will reduce the elemental damage and elemental armor of lower-level Titans.

Light and Darkness battle rules

Elemental damage and elemental armor are always valid.

The attacker's elemental damage has a double effect.

Level differences will reduce the elemental damage and elemental armor of lower-level Titans.

Light and Darkness vs Water, Fire, Earth battle rules

Attack Power directly corresponds to damage dealt. No additional parameters are involved in the calculation.